All effective instruction requires careful planning. Teaching with instructional media and technology is certainly no exception. This chapter examines how to plan systematically for the effective use of instructional media and technology. We have constructed a procedural model to which we have given the acronym ASSURE - it is intended to be effective effective instruction.
If instructional media and technology are to be used effectively, there must be a match betweeri the character of the learner and the content of the media, and materials. The Est step in the ASSURE our ers. Several factors, however, are critical for making a model, therefore, is an analysis of your auditing. It is not feasible to analyze every trait of your language, good methods and media decisions:
-General characteristics
-Specific entry competencies
-Learning styles
The second step in the ASSURE model is to state the oectives of instruction. What learning is the learner outcome expected to achieve? More precisely, what is the ability to learn the completion of the statement not to be instructed to put into the lesson but what is ought to get out of the lesson. An objective is the state of what will be achieved, not how it will be achieved.
A systematic plan for using media and technology ce demands that the methods, media, and material is systematically selected in the first placc. The selection process has three steps: (1) deciding on the appropriate method for the given learning tasks, (2) choosing a format that is suitable for outgoing methods, and (3) screening, modifying, or designing specific methods. - terials within that media format.
The next step in the ASSURE Model is the use of your media material by the stidents and teacher. The recommended procedures are based on extensive research. The generai principles have remäined remarkably constant. The main difference has been to do with who is using materials and how to learn from students-centered learning in students who will be using the material - als themselves as individuals or in small groups - rather than watching as the teacher presents them to awhole class.
Educators have long realized that active learning in the learning process enhances learning. In the early 1900s John Dewey urged reorganization of the curriculum and instruction to make student plore central participation. Late :, in the 1950s and 1960s, employing experiments behaviorist approaches to instruction that provide for constant reinforcement of desired behavior is more effective than instruction in behavioral behavior.
The final component of the ASSURE model for effective learning is evaluation and revision. Often the most frequently aspect of lesson design, evaluation and revision is the essential component to the development of quality instruction. There are many purposes for evaluation. Often the only form seen in education is a paper-and-pencil test, claimed to be used for assessment of student achievement. We will discuss two purposes here assesing learner achievements and evaluating methods and media
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